Bar Dues step-by-step instructions

Bar Dues step-by-step instructions

Hi CRLA Attorneys - CRLA pays your California State Bar dues, but a group payment must be sent by CRLA in order to receive our legal services discount. Please do not pay your dues directly to the State Bar. 


For CRLA to pay your bar dues, you must log in to your State Bar profile at and complete the following two steps by noon on Thursday, January 25:


1)      Complete the Annual License Fee pages by following the steps in the attached Bar Dues Instructions 2024; and

2)      Complete the Client Trust Account & IOLTA Annual Reporting pages by following the steps in the attached CTA Instructions 2024.


(Attorneys with in MCLE Compliance Group 2 [last names beginning with H – M] must also complete the MCLE compliance certification process.)


Also, we are still waiting for information from the California Lawyers Association on how to renew or sign up for discounted CLA membership in 2024.  We will distribute this information as soon as we receive it.


If you have any questions on any of these instructions, please don't hesitate to reach out.